Hunters is follows Jonah Heidelbaum (Logan Lerman), a young man who's holocaust survivor grandmother is killed in her home by a home intruder. At her funeral, he meets Meyer Offerman (Pacino), who blows his whole world wide open: his grandma was a founding member of an organization called 'The Hunt,' which exists for the sole purpose of tracking down Nazis living under assumed identities and plotting a return. Offerman takes Heidelbaum under his wing, and...should we even go on? We're already dying to watch this show.
Here's everything we know so far about Amazon's The Hunters.
Hunters first season will release in February.
All 10 episodes of Hunters will hit Amazon Prime on February 21, 2020.
The Hunters trailer promises a thrilling series.
The full trailer shows Pacino's character, Meyer Offerman, recruiting members of The Hunt, including Lerman's character Jonah Heidelbaum. "There comes a time where we all must choose between the light and the darkness," Offerman says. "When there's great darkness in this world, perhaps the choice is made for us."
Watch the full trailer below while you eagerly await for the series to drop.
The Hunters cast is led by an actual legend.
The cast for Hunters is absolutely stacked. Off the bat, we've got freaking Al Pacino. That's a start, huh? Pacino is fresh off The Irishman, where he worked with Martin Scorsese for what was somehow the first time, played Jimmy Hoffa, and earned his ninth career Academy Award nomination.
Pacino referred to Hunters as a '10-hour film' (a cardinal sin among TV insiders), but called his time on set a "wonderful experience."
"My memory may not be very good," he said. "but my memories of this are all good.
Pacino also said that his experience on Hunters was different from what he's used to in his 50+ years of doing movies: while his character is prominently featured, he shares a lot of the screentime with a talented ensemble.
It was, in a lot of ways, easier for me [than movies] because it wasnt all my story, the 79-year-old star. Its mainly Logans story, but also the character of Millies story, its amazing what she does.
The Logan and Millie he refers to are Logan Lerman (The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Fury, the Percy Jackson series), who plays Jonah Heidelbaum, and Jerrika Hinton (Grey's Anatomy), who plays Millie Malone.
Those three are also joined in the ensemble by Josh Radnor (How I Met Your Mother), Carol Kane (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Taxi), and several others. Based on how the show is being promoted , the team has a sort of Ocean's 11 feel, where everyone has a different role within the group.
Jordan Peele is an Executive Producer on Hunters.
While David Weil is the showrunner and his executive producer and co-showrunner is Nikki Toscano, Jordan Peele was one of the earliest names connected to the show, and he also serves as an executive producer. Hunters is just one of many productions that his company, Monkeypaw Productions, oversees.
Peele has only directed the critically acclaimed Get Out (for which he won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay) and Us (which saw it's star, Lupita Nyong'o snubbed for an Oscar nomination ) but he keeps extremely busy on the production side as well. In addition to his version of The Twilight Zone (which he hosts), he has also produced the likes of BlackKlansman, The Last O.G., and next year's upcoming Antebellum ( which looks wild ). In addition to Hunters, he's also producing another show called Lovecraft Country for HBO. Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele)
Hunters is based on a true story sort of.
Hunters is about a band of people in 1977 New York City who come together and uncover high-ranking Nazi officials living covertly among everyone else, with plans to form a Fourth Reich.
Creator David Weil told a TCA panel that he came up with the story for Hunters five years ago, inspired by stories his grandmother, a holocaust survivor, told him about the war. As I got older, I struggled with that feeling of birthright. How would I continue her story? [] For me, this was a love letter to my grandmother; a quest to don that vigilante cape with the [current] rise of anti-Semitism and xenophobia," he said.
The show is described as wish fulfillmentwe assume something like Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds or Once Upon a Time historical-fiction storiesbut Weil made it clear that that there were real people in the United States hunting Nazis. It's just that those people did it in the courts, through legal action."