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How drinking water 1st thing in the morning can protect you from diseases

Even more than aiding bodily functions, medicine has over time touted the benefits of water therapy.

It's no news that water is an absolute necessity for the body, helping basic bodily functions like digestion.

But even more than aiding bodily functions, water therapy has long been touted for its medicinal attributes.

In Japan, it is popular to to drink water immediately after waking up every morning, and this practise has been reported by scientists to have profound effect on the body, while providing a cure for a range of ailments.

So how exactly water therapy help the body?

According to research by a Japanese medical society, water cleanses the system and digestive system, in turn combating conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, constipation, gastric diseases, arthritis amongst others things.

What to do? Drink 1 litre of water first thing in the morning even before brushing. Also keep drinking as much water as you can through the day, drinking another litre before you sleep at night. The goal is to finish at least 5 litres of water everyday

While this could cause you to urinate alot, don't be alarmed as its all part of the cleansing process.

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