When a man bares his emotions and displays vulnerability, he’s often mocked for it, usually by other men while some women will call it unattractive.
Society has taught us to believe that it is not masculine for a man to cry or show any form of hurt.
The term ‘men don’t cry’ is often used to keep men from showing how they feel on the inside.
This has led to men bottling up how they feel and being unable to communicate what’s going on in their heads to anyone.
No wonder men are more likely to commit suicide than their female counterparts.
Yes, guys can definitely experience heartbreak too, even if they don't always openly talk about it.
Research has shown that men can go through a lot of emotional pain when relationships end.
Even if they don't admit it outright, there are signs show they're hurting.
He blocks you everywhere; some men once heartbroken by the one they love, will block them on every social media app.
They make sure their exes have no access to them, if it happens this way know that he’s very heartbroken over you and that’s his way of coping.
He begs for another chance; if a man truly wants you, the moment you decide to walk out, he will beg for another chance. Especially if he’s not the type to beg.
Dropping his ego to plead with you is a sure sign that he is truly heartbroken about the separation.
He is suddenly partying too hard; he’s trying hard to prove that he’s happy, every weekend he’s at one party or the other.
When someone is trying too hard to prove that they are happy, they are probably not happy.
He has been posting a lot of sad things lately; His social media is now full of how sad the world is and why you should ‘fear women’.
He didn’t use to post such things but after the break up all he does is post such things which is unlike him.
He’s doing things he’s never done; he’s now drinking, smoking, or even going to church.
These drastic changes are a huge sign that he’s having a hard time dealing with heartbreak and has resorted to and has resorted to distracting himself with various vices.
These are five of the many signs that a man is heartbroken, everyone reacts to heartbreaks differently.
Once a man finally accepts that the relationship has ended he will calm down and move on.