The Rent Control Department will soon have the sole responsibility of drawing tenancy agreements under an amended Rent Law that is currently before Parliament.
This will also enforce the reduction of the payment of rent advance, which in some cases is as high as two years.
Also under the new law landlords are only allowed to take one month rent-advance from new tenants.
A cross-section of Ghanaians have , over the years, bemoaned the exorbitant rents they are made to pay especially for new tenancy agreements. The bill currently before parliament seeking the revision of the current tax law ACT 1963, when passed will the Rent Control Department the power to set rent charges.
Currently, rent for accommodation is agreed upon by landlords and tenants. Under the amendment of the Rent Law, however, the Rent Control will set a ceiling on the rents chargeable by landlords.
Ghana’s Rent Act of 1963 and Rent Control Act of 1986 were passed to protect tenants from arbitrary increases in rent and frequent evictions by their landlords. The Rent Control Department is under the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing and is responsible for resolving disputes between landlords and tenants, but is notorious for being inefficient and corrupt.