Have you ever tried soft coconut chin chin? If not, then we've got you all sorted out in this recipe. Follow our carefully selected ingredients and have your delicious snack in a few.
People get apprehensive when you mention that they've put on a little weight, but weight gain can be a very good thing. Especially if being too skinny is affecting your health. Read on to find out <strong>how to gain weight naturally in a week without drugs</strong>.
Kweku Reveloe, Efia Odo has a message for you. She says if you didn't like to be on social media, you should have moved your head when she was doing her snap stories.
So aside him being a coward and demon, Efia wants to tell us the guy is liar too? Apparently, Kweku Reveloe never spent 12k on her to take her to America. Every penny/pesewas went to himself.
We don't know the motives for this deliveryman's actions but nevertheless, this is so wrong on every level. Just imagine him spreading some disease he has to unspecting customers.
Fella Makafui, please be rest assured that karma is not yet at your door. Samira says that she can never do what you did to Sister Derby, she would not cheat with Medikal on you.
Sister Derby must be a prophetess because she said, “He go take do am.” And sooner than later, Medikal has been caught in a cheating web. Thankfully, Samira refused to be like Fella Makafui and become a 'kakalika'.
Sometimes buying inferior products could put your life in danger. This man had a similar experience when his food flask exploded in his face whilst he was eating.
Just in case you are wondering why your prayers are not receiving urgent attention, it may be because you are an ordinary Christian. This pastor says its only special Christians who receive express blessings.
Efia Odo, if you can't handle the heat from a breakup, don't go into it and later come crying to us. Or try to tarnish your ex in the media. Some Exes like Kweku Reveloe would fire back at you.
Moesha advises all the girls who want to be like her. She says sleeping with a married man would pay your rent but not make you a landlady. A word to the wise...
A student decided to entertain herself during a lecturer by watching porn in class. Who is to blame? The lecturer for a boring session or the student for being too horny to wait?
So for all you thirsty men out there, Efia Odo says she's single again. Here's your chance to make a move. But only on one condition, don't be a Ghanaian man living in Ghana. All the best boys, may the best one win.
Tracey Boakye says she has invested a lot into JM's political career. And so a government position in the tourism or creative department wouldn't be such a terrible idea.