The documentary, titled ‘Chameleon’ will reveal the difficult cases Anas has had to handle; the legal and moral conflicts surrounding it, as well as the many disguises that have been adopted in the process of investigations.
Commenting on the documentary, Anas said “This is not a story of my life, It is a story of my Society driven by the need for social Change. As an Undercover Journalist my job is about results, it is about fostering development."
CHAMELEON is produced by EyeSteelFilm, in association with Blue Ice Docs, Kinosmith Inc. Director is Ryan Mullins and Bob Moore is the Producer. Executive producers are Mila Aung-Thwin and Daniel Cross.
First Showing: 5:00pmSecond Showing: 8:00pm.
The film was supported by Bell Media’s The Movie Network and Corus Entertainment’s Movie Central.
RELATED: Anas is a 'criminal' - Martin Amidu
Anas' previous works, which included exposing several misdeeds and acts of corruption especially people in public offices, have earned him some enemies.
He has always remained anonymous, hiding behind a mask and clothing himself in various forms in order to protect his life from detractors.