Samira, the lady in the middle of Medikal’s cheating rumours, has posted a video on her Instagram page which is generating much buzz. In this video, she clearly debunks all rumours connecting her to the musician. She said, “I just want to clear the air. I have never dated Medikal before so I will never be his ex-girlfriend”. She also states emphatically that although the leaked chats are true, she has never and would never have anything to do with Medikal.
This story is quite simple. Medikal tried cheating on Sister Derby with Smaira but she refused. He then went on to cheat with Fella Makafui which caused his relationship with Sister Derby to fall apart.
Apparently, Samira was still in his blood because he tried to woo her again. Even after telling publicly introducing Fella as his girlfriend. Samira still refused to help him hurt another woman even though it would have been karma. Considering Fella did something similar to Sister Derby.
Simply put, Samira says she has not and would never date Medikal.