Articles written by the author
These Are America’s 10 Fittest Cities
Exactly what are the people of Arlington, VA, doing so well to be named Americas Fittest City in 2020, for the third time in a row?Here's Who's Considered a 'Close Contact' to Someone with COVID-19
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, <a href="" id="06d11d90-3c3b-34e0-aa24-d84ac618c7fd"> contact tracers </a> get in touch with close contacts of people who have tested positive. They let them know that they might have been exposed, and they help them know what to do next. They often spend significant amounts of time on the phone or via email, text, or videoconference with the sick person to figure out exact...Can Drinking Lots of Water Flush Out COVID-19?
Scientists still have a lot to figure out about the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. And where theres a lack of concrete information, theres often a flood of well-meaning advice, hopeful rumors, and blatant bad information that gets circulated among people digitally or in person.To Pee or Not to Pee? What to Know About the Bathroom at the Bar Right Now.
If youre worried about hanging out with friends at a bar because at some point, you might have to use the public bathroom, thats the least of your worries, says William C. Miller, MD, MPH, PhD, senior associate dean of research and professor at The Ohio State University College of Public Health.The 5 Best Ways to Lose Weight After 40
In your teens and 20s, it used to be that you could eat pizza every night for a week without a lot of pushback from your body in the form of extra pounds. In your 40s, not so much. Maybe youre even eating much better now, but weight is still accumulating.What to Do if You're Exposed to Tear Gas
Tear gas is technically a chemical weapon, and its use as a weapon is prohibited in armed conflict, according to the <a href="" id="af6dc4dc-a2ee-30d1-a470-3dd8080e1414"> International Committee of the Red Cross. </a> Yet it can be, and is, used as a riot control agent in numerous countries, including the U.S. (thats what was recently used to <a href=" Guide to Dealing with Overwhelming Anxiety Right Now
Just when you thought you had enough anxiety over all the novel coronavirus itself, there were all the issues it brought along with it. And if the personal, political, social, and economic fallout wasnt enough, now theres more, with the <a href="" id="19d02526-d019-31d8-a6c3-76d81c1e0f56"> nationwide unrest </a> sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.How Not to Get Bitten by Ticks This Summer
The last thing you want to bring home from a long hike or a quick dog walk is a case of Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, or even a single one of the ticks that carry these (and more) diseases.Is DEET Actually Bad for You? Here's What to Know.
Whether youre in the backwoods or in your back yard, one of the challenges of being in the great outdoors is that biting insects are there, too. Ticks and mosquitos arent just a nuisancethey can be vectors for diseases including Lyme, Zika, West Nile, chikungunya and many more (and dont forget malaria, a huge threat to world health).The Best Eye Drops for Relieving Allergies and Redness
Sometimes, your seasonal allergies are pretty well under controlyoure taking your meds regularly and youre not sneezing up a storm. But your eyes are still itchy and red. Other times, you seem to have no symptoms of seasonal allergies at allno feeling fuzzy, no stuffed or runny noseyet your eyes get super itchy and red when youve been outdoors. Maybe they tear up or get watery, too.Swimming Can Help You Crush Your Weight Loss Goals
If youre looking for a total-body cardio workout thats kind to your joints, swimming is it. And it can be a total calorie-burner, too. Just keep a few things in mind to get the most out of it.Why Swimming is Considered Cardio
Take an Olympic swimmer and Olympic runner and stand them next to each other, and theres no doubt both will look super fit. Theyll both also have excellent cardiovascular conditioning. You often hear people wonder whether swimming is a cardiovascular workout, especially if it feels easy to them, says Chris Gagliardi, the scientific education content manager at ACE Fitness. Swimming is absolutely a cardio activity, he says. It gets your heart rate up and increases the amount of oxygen your bod...What It Feels Like to Compete at the Biggest Ice Swimming Race in North America
<strong> "I DON'T WANT </strong> to scare you, but if you dont have a little anxiety about being out there, dont go out, says Greg OConnor to the 93 swimmers who have committed to launching themselvesat various times over the next two daysinto a lap pool that has been carved into the thick ice of Lake Memphremagog in Newport, Vermont.How to Keep Your Energy Up When You Don’t Know When the End Is
The race with no end is the nickname for a real racea challenge in which runners repeatedly make a 4.1667-mile loop around a property in Tennessee every 60 minutes for hoursusually daysuntil there is only one runner left. Officially called the Big Backyard Ultra, nobody at the starting line knows when the race will end. Which is pretty much the event were all in, all the time, right now.The Difference Between Allergy and COVID-19 Symptoms
What would have been just a sniffle or scratchy throat last year at this time has now set you off down the path to wondering, is this my allergies acting up, or could this be a symptom of COVID-19?How to Keep Your Face Mask from Fogging Up Your Glasses
Now that the CDC has <a href="" id="66240ac7-bfa2-3f52-ab3b-279779d4f03a"> recommended </a> using cloth face masks in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in hot spots, people are getting creative with the way theyre covering their faces to avoid the spread of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19.You Shouldn't Be Wearing Gloves to Go Grocery Shopping
Theres a lot of anxiety about grocery shopping these days, and one very visible manifestation of it is the number of people in the aisles wearing gloves. Rubber gloves, dishwashing gloves, regular winter glovesI actually witnessed people earlier this week wearing plastic bags on their hands, says microbiologist Kelly Reynolds, Ph.D., director of the environment, exposure science and risk assessment center at the University of Arizona.How Coronavirus Actually Behaves Inside Your Body
If you're one of the people who has the new coronavirus take hold in your body, what exactly does it do to you?Coronavirus Disease Symptoms Take About 5 Days to Show Up
Among the many answers scientists are trying to pin down about the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is how long it takes to incubate. In other words, how long it takes for a person whos been exposed to this virus thats sweeping the globe to cause <a href="" id="dd2e5703-1ddb-34e7-a985-9a25209a29a1"> symptoms </a> meaning respiratory issues and flu-like symptoms to fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The number o...CDC Warns It's Time to Start Preparing for Coronavirus in the U.S.
The CDC warned Americans this week that they should prepare for the new coronavirus, named COVID-19, to disrupt their lives. <a href="" id="c2c0ebd2-a30e-3121-a8be-90af9a390978"> The New York Times quotes </a> the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, Nancy Messonnier, M.D. as saying We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this mig...