Are you tired of buying expensive fidget spinners and losing them all the time? I think it’s time to learn how to
From its name, you probably have a fair idea of what it’s used for. Let me add just a little more information to help you out. Just as the name implies, it was mainly recommended for those suffering from disorders which makes them fidget constantly.
Autism, Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety are some disorders for which the fidget spinner is used to aid concentration. Even though, there has been no scientific backing to substantiate such claims. Some marketers go far as to lay claims such as, “bring out the creative genius lying deep within you”
Fidget spinners are small devices with ball bearing parts, that rotate when spun. According to users, the spinning motion gives a pleasant sensation which seemed to calm them down. Since this device became a trend, a lot of users have found ways to challenge themselves whilst using the device. Which includes transferring, tossing and twirling the spinners whilst in motion. And a lot of YouTube videos have popped up to help execute these moves.
Try your new fidget spinner the next time you feel a meltdown coming on!
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It doesn’t cost much to make a fidget spinner. Most of the items our household gadgets or items. The rest are available at any utility store. Inexpensive parts would spin exactly as one with costly components.
Making your fidget spinner is not time-consuming. Give or take a couple of minutes, you can be done in about 45mins or less.
Tools needed
Supplies needed
READ ALSO: A psychologist debunks the claim that fidget spinners help kids focus
Step 1
First, clean all the ball bearings. This is done by removing the shields (i.e. the rubbery outer covering) with the knife. Place the knife at one edge and pry it up, releasing the shield from its nesting place. Repeat at the other side for all 4 ball bearings. Soak them in After Shave Liquid for about 3-5mins. Wipe them clean, pour a few drops of oil to lubricate. Replace the shield. Your balls are now ready to rotate on high speed.
Step 2
Arrange the ball bearings on the cardboard to resemble a fidget spinner (i.e. a triangular shape with one ball bearing in the middle). Carefully outline the ball bearings using a pencil. Remove the ball, then draw the design of a fidget spinner around the outlined boundaries.
Step 3
Cut out the layout of the fidget spinner with a knife. Take a thin strip from paper and glue it to the edge of the cut-out shape, until a mold is formed. Secure edges with super glue. Smear a few drops of oil at the base of the mold. This is to make it easier to separate the mold from the finished work.
READ ALSO: 'Eff. These. Spinners:' Teachers 'hate' the hottest toy in the US — and now schools are banning them
Step 4
Gently place the ball bearings on the outlined positions. Insert a glue stick and heat the glue gun. Carefully pour the hot glue into the mold. Don’t leave any spaces/gaps as this process is the casting process. Fill the mold to the brim. Now use the hair dryer to blow hot air for the glue to properly settle in the mold. Allow drying until the glue gets as hard as a rock.
Step 5
Tear away the mold. Use the sandpaper to smoothen away the rough edges. And hot hair to finish off the work. Your own DIY fidget spinner is ready for use.
How to use your fidget spinner
Hold the fidget spinner between the thumb and index finger at the middle ball bearing. Using your free hand, spin it and watch with satisfaction.