Salma Hayek is known her acting, yes, but she's also showcased her talents in taking some legendary no-makeup selfies . The actress celebrated her 53rd birthday just five months ago with a bikini pic, basically proving she never misses an opportunity to show off how good she looks. The Grown Ups actress took to Instagram on Tuesday to bless fans with another close-up selfie while posing underneath a few palm trees. She captioned the beach photo: "#wind #aire."
Many fans rushed to the comments to compliment the actress on her natural beauty. "This woman can do no wrong," one follower wrote. "Glowing as always," another stated. But there was one negative comment that caught Salma's attention. "Too much Botox Not needed Salma!" one of her IG followers said.
The Like A Boss star jumped right in the shut down the botox rumors, replying, "I don't have botox. But thank you for the advice because I was thinking maybe it's time."
If that's not a classy comeback, I don't know what is. And obviously Salma's true fans (read: not trolls) agreed. "Girl it is not time yet, you look better than most 20 something year olds," one commenter wrote following Salma's clapback. "BEST COMBACK EVER you look stunning mama! You are ageless!!!!!" another said.