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10 tips every new mom should know for successful breastfeeding

A mother breastfeeding her child
A mother breastfeeding her child

Breastfeeding is not as easy as it looks. Baby is hungry, you offer up your nipple, baby latches on and sucks sweetly until he’s full as some people argue.

However, it takes planning, patience and diligence to increase your chance of success.  

  • Create a space for breastfeeding

Create a nursing station in your bedroom or baby’s room for breastfeeding. All you need is a comfortable chair, breastfeeding pillow, and a side table for snacks, water, nursing pads, burp cloths, your phone, and a good book. You'll spend a lot of time there.

  • Avoid pacifiers at first

Many babies find pacifiers very soothing and very helpful. A pacifier isn't a substitute for nurturing or feeding, of course, but if your baby is still fussy after you've fed, burped, cuddled, rocked, and played with her, you might want to see if a pacifier will satisfy her.

However, it is advisable to delay it for the first month because it can suppress hunger cues and steal time from the breast during a critical period. 

  • Position yourselves nose to nipple, belly to belly

Skin to skin is a simple but powerful way to bond with your child whether you are breastfeeding or giving them formulae.

Make sure that your baby's stomach is touching yours, so she doesn't have to turn her head to latch. And point your nipple at her nose, not at her mouth, so she'll lift her head up, open her mouth wide, and latch on deeply.

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  • Lie on your side

Lying on your side to breastfeed lets you rest your shoulders and lower back if you tend to hunch over. This method is also good for moms who've had a C-section, who have carpal tunnel syndrome, or who are just exhausted. Put a pillow between your knees and your arm under your head, and bring the baby in facing you. Have someone help you at first.

  • Offer the first bottle at 4 to 6 weeks

If you wait until 8 weeks, you risk bottle refusal. Have someone other than you give the first one – and get out of the house so you're not tempted to help out." 

  • Don't buy a whole nursing wardrobe

While you are enjoying making the best of your maternity leave with your child at home, you don’t have to spend much on clothing. All you need is a shirt or blouse over a camisole, you'll have a lot of coverage. However, make sure to sew or buy a few nursing dresses for impromptu trips and outing with your child. 

  • Lose the snooze

Babies need to hear language before they start talking. If you are busy mom, sing for your baby while breastfeeding. If your infant keeps falling asleep on your breast, try tickling the bottom of his feet, stroking him under the chin, or touching him with a wet washcloth to fed for at least 30 to 45 minutes.

  • Pay attention to your diet

Eat three well-balanced meals a day plus healthful snacks daily. Try to workout regularly and drink a lot of water while breastfeeding to stay hydrated.

  • Feed the baby, not the freezer

If you want to do the 6 months exclusive breastfeeding, you don't need a pump into different bottles while a few days or weeks to resuming work. You may end up with clogged ducts, mastitis, letdown that's too fast, and exhaustion. You need only a small reserve. Wake up early and pump just enough for the day before leaving for work.

  • Heal damaged nipples

Use water-based hydrogel pads or apply enough purified lanolin to keep nipples moist between feedings. Also, avoid anything that puts pressure on part of your breasts. That includes baby carriers, diaper-bag straps, even sleeping on the same side every night.

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