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7 Things women must never spend their money on - Number 2 is very important

7 Things women must never spend their money on - Number 2 is very important
7 Things women must never spend their money on - Number 2 is very important

As a woman, you must learn to protect yourself and your hard-earned money.

It’s easy to lose money these days as almost everything is overpriced, however, there are certain things that you shy away from that can help your finances in the long run.

You must learn to save and invest in profitable ventures, but before you do that, here are seven major things you must never splash your cash on.

Or if you already do, then it’s time to stop.

1. Bleaching creams

Using bleaching creams can permanently damageyour skin [DailyTrust]

There’s no reason for you to purchase bleaching creams. Black is beautiful.

Whatever stereotypical beauty standard the media portrays isn’t worth it, and spending hundreds and thousands of your hard-earned money on these items to look a certain way will only lead to more health implications.

A 2023 World Health Organisation (WHO) report on bleaching in Africa states that almost 31% of African women “cite the desire to look beautiful as a motivating factor for bleaching."

READ ALSO: Here are all the ways bleaching destroys your skin and health

However, they end up looking worse due to several adverse health effects such as dermatitis, steroid acne, discolouration, changes in skin thickness, inflammatory disorders, and conditions such as mercury poisoning, nephrotic syndrome, and exogenous ochronosis.

2. Pay a man’s rent


Think! What do you stand to benefit if you pay a man’s rent? Especially one that is not your husband or you’re staying with. Think about all the things in the world you can use that money for. Better to spend on yourself and fulfill all your other responsibilities.

3. Body enhancement surgeries


Liposuction, tummy tuck, buttock augmentation, brow lift, facelift, and... Now the list is even endless. Bar any health reasons or complications, undergoing the knife to enhance certain parts of your body for reasons such as entertainment, and what have you may not be a wise choice. These procedures are costly as well.

Rethink. You can use all those thousands and millions on better projects. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons outlines 16 risks including bleeding, infection, skin loss, and unfavourable scarring, as risks associated with buttock enhancement alone.

4. Overpriced jewelry

There’s nothing wrong with buying jewelries. However, constantly spending money on overpriced pieces is not a good financial decision. Buy your watches, necklaces, earrings and what have you, but make sure they are fairly priced and not be swayed by just how they look.

Buy reasonably-priced items that much your earnings.

5. ‘Pretense’ gifts

Buying gifts for yourself and pretending someone else bought it sounds like a mental health issue. Why are you “fake surprising yourself’”?

Don’t buy things on special occasions – Valentines Day, Birthday, Christmas Day, and act like it’s an anonymous lover that purchased it for you. Total waste of money.

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6. Abortion drugs

Abortion? No, don’t do it. Think about all the health risks. Seek help from a professional hospital or health worker for help. Don’t let anyone lie to you they know of an “effective” drug, so you go ahead to buy hoping it will work. Never spend money on such.

7. Fake skin care products

Quick fix skin care routine for busy mums

In as much as, caring for your skin is great. Be cautious of spending your money on fake products on the market. There are so many fake ones on the market, and funny enough they are as expensive as the authentic.

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Make sure you are certain before buying any skin care product because not only will you be losing your money, you will be putting yourself at so many health risks.

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