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7 places in the world where you can legally use hard drugs

Hard drug usage is legal in some parts of the world [ELPAISEnglish]
Hard drug usage is legal in some parts of the world [ELPAISEnglish]

Hard drugs, also called illicit drugs, are substances with a high potential for addiction and serious health problems. 

These include cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and some prescription drugs misused for their psychoactive effects.

Now, the law surrounding hard drugs is pretty strict worldwide. In most countries, possession, use, and sale are illegal. But did you know there are some places where some of these hard drugs are legalised?

Here are a few of these places and their interesting approach to drug usage.

1. Portugal

In 2001, Portugal became the first European country to decriminalise all drugs. This means small amounts for personal use are no longer a criminal offence.

Instead, people are directed to treatment programmes that help and support them to overcome addiction. Portugal has seen a decrease in drug-related deaths and HIV infection since this change.

2. Netherlands

While famous for coffee shops selling cannabis, the Netherlands has stricter laws for harder drugs. Possession of small amounts might not lead to jail time, but dealing and taking larger quantities are illegal. Cannabis itself is decriminalised, but other hard drugs are illegal.

3. Switzerland

Some cities in Switzerland allow users to obtain heroin in a controlled setting.

This helps people struggling with addiction get a safe, regulated dose and access to support services.

4. Uruguay

In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to legalise and regulate the sale of marijuana. The government controls production and sales to reduce crime and improve public health.

5. Canada

Canada legalised recreational cannabis use in 2018, with sales regulated by the government.

Similar to Uruguay, the goal is to control the market and reduce criminal activity.

6. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has possession limits for small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs. These are still considered offences but don't result in jail time.

7. Several states in the United States

A growing number of states in the US have legalised recreational cannabis use for adults. Medical marijuana use is even more widespread. However, hard drugs like heroin and cocaine remain illegal.

Note that:

  • These are just a few examples, and drug laws vary greatly around the world.
  • Even in places with relaxed laws, there are still restrictions and potential consequences for drug use.
  • Hard drugs are dangerous and addictive. This information is not meant to encourage drug use.

ALSO READ: Avoid drug abuse to stay alive – Psychologist urges youths

So, what's the point? The conversation around drugs is complex. By looking at how other countries approach the issue, we can be more informed about drug policy and how to best help people struggling with addiction.

This content was created with the help of an AI model and verified by the writer.

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