You'd do almost anything to revive the need-you-now passion of honeymoon sex but as much as you love your significant other, the idea of sex right here, right now sounds about as pleasant as a dental cleaning. So if you're going through an unwanted dip in your sex drive and you're in the dark as to why we've got you covered: Here, our experts reveal six sneaky reasons you may be in a sex rut.
1. You're taking the wrong birth control.That tiny pill you pop every day can "can dampen libido for some women," says Alyssa Dweck, M.D., gynecologist and co-author of V Is for Vagina, "due to the suppression of ovulation and a change in hormones mid-cycle as a result of taking it."
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2. You're unhappy with quality of your relationship.If your relationship lacks emotional intimacy, you may withdraw sexually, says Ursula Ofman, New York City-based licensed clinical psychologist and sex therapist. And because your relationship isn't a non-stop fight-fest, "you may not even be aware you're doing it."
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3. You're anemic.A low red blood cell count won't just lead to dizziness, shortness of breath, and frequent headaches, which is enough to slow anyone's libido. But on top of that, "anemia can cause significant fatigue and thus dampen libido," Dweck explains.
4. Your thyroid has been thrown out-of-whack."Your thyroid is a gland that secretes hormone to regulate metabolism," explains Dweck, which in turn gives you the energy to get it on. Hypothyroidism or any "thyroid irregularity can impair libido."
See More: Love and sex
5. You're taking an antidepressant.Not everyone will experience sexual sides effect from medications meant to fight depression, but "these pharmaceutical agents are often implicated in diminished sexual interest," Ofman says. "We see this most dramatically with SSRIs, a very popular antidepressant that can interfere with sexual interest and ability to climax."
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6. You're experiencing longstanding vaginal dryness. Fact: Lubrication down below make sex more comfortable. So if your body decides it's no longer providing it naturally and you're too embarrassed to reach for a synthetic lubricant before sex our "anticipation of pain during sex can inhibit our sex drives," Dweck says, who cautions "some antihistamines can cause vaginal dryness and thus pain."