When it comes to finding the right time to propose, some men are masters of the subtle art. Fuelled by the belief that it’s a non-negotiably sacred milestone, they strategically put a lot of work into the preparations, leaving crypted signs and hints.
If he is suddenly working overtime and on weekends, so engulfed in hiswork that he misses date nights, then he probably has something coming up. He is tirelessly labouring on the low towards securing that perfect ring for you.
After months and years of dating, he has just begun to breathe down your neck with requests for you to meet his parents.This is a bold clue. He wants his parents to know you because he is thinking of roping you into the family. He has began to seriously consider those four magical words. It is coming.
Has he been playing with your fingers more often? Holding and caressing your hands might not be merely a sweet gesture right now. It is likely he is surreptitiously scouting your fingers for information to relay unto his jewellery dealer.
Using a collective pronoun is one of the surest signs that he isgoing to propose. If he starts getting into the habit of seeing you guys as one whole rather than two separate individuals, then you know the question is brewing..
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Pay attention: is he cutting down time with his boys? Has he begun to beef up intimate time with you? Is he beginning to give you some more time and attention at the expense of his usual ‘boys will be boys’ activities? He is rehearsing for marriage. It is very likely.
He is suddenly enthusiastic about weddings and eager to make each and every one of them with you by his side. This is a sign. He is on a covert mission to figure out your preferences as far as weddings are concerned: how you want it, where you want it, when you want it. Be ready.
We all know the majority of men deliberately avoid deep conservations and are afraid of long-term commitment. But if he is reaching out to you to open such conversations, he is definitely putting feelers out to see if you are ready and willing to be his life partner.