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7 ways to increase your odds of getting pregnant


According to what we learnt in school, getting pregnant should be as easy as reciting our ABCs - just have unprotected sex with the opposite sex and voila! Baby bump.

But in reality, it is not that much of a piece of cake. Life’s largely unfair, and getting caught in its zone of misfortune can be tough. Getting pregnant can get so difficult and frustrating that it could rock the very sanity from a woman.

Of course, there are ways to ensure that you don’t become imprisoned by the pain of chasing a pregnancy.

Below are some tips to draw you a step closer to the magical bingo moment of conception.

    Taking prenatal pills is one of the surest ways of getting pregnant. The pills, especially those with Omega 3 fish oils,  act as a supplement to the woman’s diet and this helps aid in the absorption of the vitamins.

      It is a known fact that babies can only be conceived through the act of sex but the couple should time their sex right. Having sex when you are ovulating is important - the tried and tested strategy - but there is a little more to it.

      There is a four-five-day period around ovulation, starting two days prior to the actual ovulation, when a female can conceive. Couples should thus take a swing at the ball of pregnancy during that window to increase their chances of a hit.

      Read more: Sex and Love

        If the couple is serious about having a baby, they should skip using lubes. Those can be reserved for another encounter. Research shows most lubricants actually work against pregnancy plans, thus affect sperm mobility.

          Taking caffeine is a bad choice when it comes to aspirations of baby-making because it can delay the time it takes to conceive. Women who drink two or more servings of any type of soda a day have about a 16% lower fertility rate than women who don't drink any, according to a 2012 study co-authored by Lauren Wise, ScD. Keep in mind that chocolate and most sodas contain caffeine too.

          Read more: Must Read

            Women who work out vigorously five hours a week or more are less likely to get pregnant than those who don't exercise as strenuously. It’s strange, but it is what it is. Going to the extreme with exercise can be problematic for conception says Dr. Ahlering is a highly regarded surgeon in Urologic cancers.

              According to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), gum disease can add an extra two months to the amount of time it takes to become pregnant.

              Bizarre? You bet, but don’t take chances by not abiding. Make sure you get your teeth checked before trying to conceive.

              Read more: Weekend Sex Tips

                Alcohol can surely leads to conception-friendly activities in the bedroom but having too much of it can sabotage your plans too.

                he bottom line is there’s no known safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, so while it may be a fun way to get in the mood, it's best to stick to your favorite  lovemaking tunes, mocktails, and some sexy under-things to light the fire. If you drink, you'll risk spending the next nine months worrying if those few sips hurt your baby.

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