Ghanaians have taken to social media to stand with the Chief Justice Theodora Georgina Wood over threat of rape by one of the sentenced Montie three.
The trio were sentenced to four months imprisonment by the Supreme Court following a case of contempt against the court's judges on Thursday, July 27, 2016.
The campaign aims to highlight the threat of death and rape on the Chief Justice in the face of claims by some NDC officials that the court is clamping down on free speech under the hashtag #standwithherladyshipGeorginawood.
Campaigners argue that threat of rape is not free speech, especially against the most powerful woman in Ghana.
kathleen Addy, a lead campaigner of the movement said standing with the Chief Justice is to draw attention to Ghana's rape culture.
"Statistics shows that three out of every then Ghanaian woman have experienced some form of sexual violence, so it is not just about the Chief Justice as such, it is just that it is topical and this has happened now. It is an opportunity for us to examine the whole issue of rape and rape culture, she said Joy FM's Super Morning Showing Wednesday.
According to her, Ghana does not have a strong "culture of addressing rape issue with a language and the gravity of the seriousness that it deserves."