Frederick who completed Labone SHS developed the App known as Buzz Chat with the idea of setting up something that would gain our total independence from Western-based social platforms.
He said his "main aim for this is to achieve total independence as Ghanaians. How can we claim we are independent of colonial rule when we still depend solely on the resources they offer us."
In view of this, Buzz Chat was born and is primarily the basic social feed system that allows users to share their thoughts.
He stated that the main concern for Buzz Chat on the African continent primarily in Ghana is to enforce cyber security. Buzz Chat is highly monitored to prevent users from encountering online scams and harmful content.
One of the very main reasons Buzz Chat was built is to make Ghana independent of western social media platforms.
These platforms, he noted are developed and can't do without them but in the current state of matters if WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and the likes are being banned in Africa.
To provide an alternate solution to social media in Africa and to secure our social future. Anything is possible that's why we secure a plan B, he stated.