The food suppliers are unhappy with the government for no communication on outstanding arrears owed its members for two years hence pegging at the BSC on Tuesday.
In a letter, the association stated that “Leadership has accordingly, and in true compliance with the Public Oder Act, written to the Greater Accra Regional Police Command, by way of notice, on Thursday, June 8, 2023.”
“We wish to state without equivocation, that, we have complied with the requirements of the Public Order Act and that, we will picket at the said venue as planned, starting from Tuesday 13th June 2023, within the hours of 8:30 GMT to 5:30 GMT, and we will resume the next day until we are paid in full,”
Kwaku Amedume, Spokesperson for the National Food Suppliers Association, said they will not be moved by empty promises.
The Association is demanding monies owed its members for food supplies for two years.