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Bridesmaid faints at her brother's wedding

The groom wrote: 'My sister passed out at the exact moment the judge said "you may kiss the bride".

A bridesmaid passed out during her brother's wedding just as he was about to kiss his new wife - and the photographer managed to capture the comical moment on film.

A first look at the picture, it simply looks like an idyllic embrace between the newlyweds. The bride looks gorgeous in white and the groom looks handsome in his suit.

But when you peer a little closer there is something a little unusual in the background. Has the poor bridesmaid lying face down on the floor has suffered a devastating fit of nerves?

The expression on the face of another of the bridesmaids on the left as she peers down at the unfortunate woman is perhaps the best part of the image

Chicago-based Kevin Kennedy Ryan posted the funny snap, which sees him tenderly embracing his partner Jessie Ryan-Smith while his sibling lies face down on the floor, online on Sunday. It has been viewed 1,162,413 times and counting.

Writing on his Imgur page, newly-wed Kevin, who posts under the username 'DanAykroydFanClub', wrote: 'My sister passed out at the exact moment the judge said "you may kiss the bride". [sic]'

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