It's normal to be crazy about a guy but you don't have to be desperate about it. The scheming and plotting isn't worth it a bit, because the heart will always want what it wants.
If he wants you, he'll definitely come for you, if it's not you then it simply isn't you. Don't chase love, just let it find you.
Here are 5 reasons never to chase after any guy:
1. You miss out on the other beautiful things life is offering you. Time spent scheming can be used for other productive things which will put you in a good light.
2. Having a crush is temporary. Like the name implies, it'll eventually fade away.
3. You aren't letting life happen. Doesn't matter how long you chase, what will be will eventually be.
4. You'll keep running around in circles which will continue when you find another crush.
5. You'll give your heart to someone who doesn't deserve any part of it.
Watch men answer relationship question women are too afraid to ask.