Do you have a best friend and sometimes you just have no idea what to do together?
I know it can get boring when you have mostly done it all and have no idea what else to do. Having a best friend is important as you get to have that someone that you can always share secrets with, someone that you can confide in and do stuff together. However, a best friend is not a must. If you have not come across a true friend that genuinely wants the best for you and one that will do anything for you, then you're better off having normal friends. A bestie is that person you have shared so much with and if you actually got married, she would be your maid of honor, or be there by your bedside when you're giving birth to your first child.
You have probably partied together, had crazy nights of debauchery and made memeories. Still, there's a lot more you can get up to:
1. Go on a trip abroad.
There are many countries where Kenyans can travel to without a visa. Travel and experience new cultures together. Get lost, shop, learn how to say thanks and welcome in a new language. Make epic unforgettable memories.
2. Face your fears together.
Are you both afraid of heights? Kill the fear by doing a bungee jump together. Doing something you have always been afraid to do together will bring you even closer.
3. Get matching tattoos.
4. Go on a double blind date.
Imagine meeting two random guys on Tinder and then going on a blind double date? Or just some guys you met on a night out and going for a date together? That would probably end up being super fun or a disaster either way, you have each other. Life is short, your 20s are supposed to be super exciting not boring.
5. Have a professional photo shoot, slay, pose, repeat and frame those bad ass photos for memories.
6. Create an easy secret code language that only you two understand.
Decide what you want to call a boring guy in a club to use it for instance when such a dude approaches you in a club. It's fun and you can save each each other from situations that need some saving.
7. Volunteer.
Go to a children's home, take with you clothes and food and help around as well as spend time with kids. It's great to give back to the society.
8. Watch 'The Notebook' once again and cry together.
9. Attend a concert of your favorite band or artiste and dance the night away.
10. Go on an epic road trip, just the two of you.
There are so many places to see and visit in Kenya. Plan a major weekend road trip, blast the music as you sip on some sodas and have a fantastic adventure touring and taking snaps.