Relationships are complicated. Before men finally propose to a woman, he must have been certain beyond doubt she is the right woman who can make his life complete.
Men look for some traits when they meet a woman and we have listed some below.
- When she compliments him
Both men and women like to be complimented to boost their morale and encourage them to continue with their good works.
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- When she cooks good food
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Men love to hang out women who can prepare good food; local dishes and continental dishes.
- When she makes smart choices
Behind every successful man is a woman. If a woman makes good career decisions, it gives the man some assurance that she can also advise him positively and also strengthen their relationship.
- When she takes cares of herself
It’s only when you have healthy self-love that you can maintain good relations with others.
- When she has a successful career
Due to the state of our economy, men are always looking for women with entrepreneurial skills or white collar jobs to support them financially.
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- When she has a good relationship with her family
Family supports each other. If a woman is always in contact with her family, they give her their unflinching love, pray for her and are readily available to support her.
- When she is a good kisser
Because men find it very irresistible.
- When she is a good listener
Sometimes, men want a shoulder to cry on and a good ear to listen to their insecurities.