According to All Africa When the Harare Junior council hosted its inaugural talent search recently, many were dazzled by the manner in which young people showcased their talents. For some, most acts were just but average but amusement came when a tiny girl dressed in an African costume showed up on stage. All of a sudden eyes were glued in awe of her act.
"Good day to you all. My name is Christal Chidzvondo, I am here to recite my poem titled 'Africa my Africa' . . . " she recited the poem much to the applause of the crowd.
Soon after her recital, Christal revealed back stage how she had become such a great poet at the age of eight.
"I fell in love with poetry after going through my brother Prince's work books. I never thought I would recite one stance of his big poetic words but I tried one and I got it right in a few minutes. My brother was impressed and since then I have become a force to be reckoned with in poetry", she said in confidence.
In no time she was called back on stage to do her next poem titled "Confident".
"Do not look at me and feel sorry for me just because I am a girl . . . I am confident because I am an African woman . . . the next time you see me, greet me because I am confident . . . " goes part of the poem.
When the Grade Three Highlands Primary pupil came off stage the second time she felt more confident to narrate her story. She said poetry has become her favourite art and greatest asset.
"I now love poetry as my art although much is still expected of me from my school work. I have come to understand that my future lies in it," said the energetic youngster.
Christal who is working on a number of new poems said she can recite several short poems in a day and a maximum of three on long ones.
Christal ceremoniously became the most promising talented poet at the Harare Junior Council talent search programme. She does her poetry practice after school and her dream job is to be a school teacher just like her mother and her favourite cartoon character is Elsa "the snow queen" from "Frozen".