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Coronavirus - South Sudan: Changing Minds is Changing the Future

UNICEF South Sudan
UNICEF South Sudan

LasubaMemo, now 36 years old and married with 3 children,is not new to activism or creating awareness aroundchildren’srights.He’sanactorandapoliticaljournalist currently reporting for VoiceofAmerica (VOA),producingwork withSAMAradio station in Juba,and has a history of working for USAID and Eye Radio.Thesenewradio dramas are produced and broadcast byAmalna, a South Sudanese cultural organization empowering youth, in partnership withUNICEF.

This new radiodrama sheds a ‘positive’ light on the anger of the father. His anger is not focused on the cultural or societal viewsof the unplanned pregnancy, but the future of his daughter and her ability toobtainself-fulfillment.This involvesmaking career choices, understanding herself, and marrying who she wantstowhen she decides she is ready.Hecounts through thenumerousharmful effects early marriage hason achild.There is quite a big‘lesson’we learn over the tworadioepisodes we hear Fadul in.Lasubaexplains that the father“had hoped his daughter wouldcontinuewith school. He does not want his daughter to replicate the history of poverty that his family has lived through. Hefeels ‘betrayed’ after investing so much in her to have a good future (througheducation) and then her actions could take that away from her.”

To create radio dramas that address realsituationsthat real children are facing, focus group discussions were organizedin different regions of South Sudan, hostingparticipants of various ages andethnicgroups to gather thoughts and experiences on child marriage and the harsh consequences toagirl’swellbeing and future.Outcomes prove thatchildren married before they are an adultare more likely to lack education, have psychosomatic problems, sufferdomestic violence, or die during childbirth.These dramas are not only for girls, young boys are alsomarried off before adulthood,taking their childhood away.

UNICEFSouthSudan/Hill Nadia Acholi has lend her voice to Sisily in the radio drama

In thisradioepisodewith Fadul, the pregnant girl has a complicated relationship with her mom,Sisily, who is played by Nadia Acholi.Nadiais ajournalistfor humanitarian issuesand apopularradio presenterwho’s work includes SAMA radio and Eye Radio.“I don’t identify with thismom;she is not a friend with her child. Moms need to be close to their children. In South Sudan,moms might be stricter when they would benefit to be close to their children. If the mom was afriend to herdaughter,she could advise herproperly,” Nadia tells us. The momdoesn’t want her daughter to disturb her with any questions and says to talk to her father about needingpads when she starts her monthly cycle.The mother pushes her daughter away who is then tempted by a friend to getthemoney she needs from a manin exchange for physical pleasure.The episode gives parents situations to reflect on as well.

UNICEF estimates that more than half of all South Sudanese girlsaremarried or in a culturally recognized union beforeturning18 years oldand one out of three girls are pregnant before they are 15 years old.This problem relates to atraditional practice that views a girl as ready for childbirth once she starts her period.

Actually,childbirthcankilla young girlbecause thefemale body is not always physically capable to give birth at suchanage.Conflict inthe countryhas made women and girls more vulnerable to different forms of violence and abuse as social networks and protection mechanismshave been largely disrupted. On top of that,repercussions of COVID-19 keeping children out of school has resulted inmore early pregnancies than usual.This all significantly contributes to gender inequalityand has a negativelong-term effect on national development.Lasubais insightful,“Our conscious should lead us to not take advantage of young girls.”

Nadia is acommunitychampionforending child marriage and says, “I talk to my nieces, my sisters, my friends,and teach them about using a condom and that they haveoptionsin this situation. I try my best to consult others and give them friendly advice.At school,they say if you go with a guy it isbad,but they do not teach about other things like how to avoid a pregnancy.”Nadia speaks out againstchild marriagebecauseofpersonal experiences.“My cousin was 16 years old and got pregnant by some old man withthreewives already. I talked to her father and said that she needs to keep her education, do not make her marry this guy. But she couldn’t stop it.Women don’t have a right to speak for themselveshere.”This notion of women not having a choiceruns deep inthe culture.

Women don’t have a right to speak for themselveshere - Nadia Acholi

Should parents be happier if they married their young daughter off to get the dowry or if their educated daughter is able to have a job that allows her to supportthem?Thisperspective canset asidetheeconomic woeswhenparents think about possibilities that are different fromthemistakes of the past.Thecycle of povertycanfade awaythrough awarenessand generations of educated girls.

Nadia is hopeful forSouth Sudan’sfuture and says that “There is visual progress of girls becoming stronger and more educated - it is seen around me. Many girls are now stepping up for each other when they see a guy treating a girl badly.”“I feel people hear these stories and get inspired by the drama. They regret the past and realize the significance of education,”Lasubaadds.“We can use experiencesand mistakes from the past. We can tie this to the country learning from its past practices to change for the better.”

Back whenLasubasaid, “I hope that[my daughter]has a better future and doesn’t suffer how I have,”he was thinking of his childhood and how hard he worked cutting firewood just to be able to pay school fees. On top of that, the extreme violence between various actors in thecountry made schooling and studyingnearlyimpossible. He wants his daughter and all the other daughters out there to have an opportunity for the thing he foughtforthe most– an education.

The first five pilot episodes of the radio dramas are being broadcasted in English and Arabicandcan be heard on 35 radiostations.Eye Radio (Juba), City 88.4 FM (Juba), Radio One 87.9 FM (Juba), SSBC Radio 105.0 FM (Juba), Spirit 99.9 FM (Yei), Easter 94.0 FM (Yei), Rumbek 98.0 FM (Rumbek), Good News Radio 89.0 FM (Rumbek),YirolCommunity Radio 88.8 FM (Yirol), RadioSaalam99.1 FM (Malakal),NaathFM (Maban), Nile FM (Malakal),Jamjang89.4 FM (Jamjang), Voice of Love (Malakal), Anisa 92.0 FM (Yambio), Yambio 90.0 FM (Yambio),Maridi88.9 FM (Maridi), RadioWau(Wau), Centenary FM (Tumbora), Voice Of Hope 98.65 (Wau),Kondial97.2 FM (Bentiu), Radio Emmanuel 89.0 FM (Torit), Voice of EE 97.5 FM (Torit),Singaita88.0 FM (Kapoeta), Akol Yam 99.9 FM (Aweil),WeerbeiRadio (Wanyjok),NhomlauRadio 88.0 FM (Aweil East), Radio Jonglei 95.9 FM (Bor), Voice of Freedom (Magwi), Pibor Community Radio (Pibor), Radio Peace and Reconciliation 98.4 FM (Bor), Radio Don Bosco 91.0 FM (Tonj), Mayardit 90.7 FM (Turalei), RadioTamazujShortwave (Bentiu), Kuajok FM (Kuajok).

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of UNICEF South Sudan.

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