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Going green with Abunuabunu

Abunuabunu is best prepared with smoked fish like Adwene (Catfish), Amane (Herrings) and Koobi (salted fish).

Need we say anything more about good old Abunuabunu, considering how long it has served as a faithful accompaniment of one of Ghana’s staple meals? Abunuabunu is one of the country’s oldest and richest delicacies, most common amongst the Akans with Kontomire, Prekese and snails as the leading stars of this soup.

The best compliment anyone can pay you after you have served them a meal of Fufu and Abunuabunu is that yours is as remarkable as a Bono woman’s. Can you guess why? The healthy and sumptuous gift of Abunuabunu can be traced to the people of the Brong Ahafo region.

The interesting thing about Abunuabunu is its green colour which is as a result of the Kontomire leaves that are in it. Because this is not the usual colour of most Ghanaian soups, a lot of people tend to shy away from this soup. But he who has been able to overcome his fear of the greens will discover a delicious soup that is not only satisfying, but full of nutrients. It is also pretty easy and quick to make.

Abunuabunu is best prepared with smoked fish like Adwene (Catfish), Amane (Herrings) and Koobi (salted fish). Another key ingredient that mush feature if you want the best out of your pot of soup is pea aubergines. For the urbanite who is always on the go, using a blender instead of the traditional earthenware bowl can make preparation much faster and easier.

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This week, Onga Efie Aduane, your faithful companion on the rediscovery of the authentic Ghanaian palate takes you to the source of Abunuabunu. We hope you learn a lesson or two on preparing the best Abunuabunu, Bono style. Akwaaba!

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