Hollywood’s leading couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, graced the cover of Vanity Fair Italia. On the front cover of the magazine, they can be seen in an embrace with Jolie in a silk vest and Pitt in a scruffy tee shirt.
In an exclusive interview with the magazine, the newly married couple talked about what it felt like working on their latest project, By the Sea, which is set in 1970s France, the movie, which was written and directed by Jolie, tells the story of a fictional married couple going through a more trying period of their relationship.
Jolie never thought she’d actually shoot the movie after writing it eight years ago after her mother passed away.
The story is set in the 1970s because Jolie liked the idea of delving into the decade when her mother would have been in her 20s. Thinking the movie wouldn’t be a reality, Jolie said, “I wrote with a certain kind of freedom.”
The couple shot the movie after they got married, making for an interesting honeymoon. “It’s not autobiographical,” Jolie clarified. “Brad and I have our issues, but if the characters were even remotely close to our problems, we couldn’t have made the film.”
Pitt admitted that “We, by our own admission, were overdue. If I’m going to work, I want to work with my wife. It’s surprising how much I enjoy the direction of my wife, she’s decisive, incredibly intuitive, knife-sharp, and might I say, sexy at her post. I trust her with my life.”
Jolie also disclosed that it was awkward filming the sex scenes; "I’ve done sex scenes before. But this is obviously different," she said. "It’s the strangest thing in the world to be lying naked in a bathtub with an iPad that’s showing you the shot outside, while your husband is at the door and you’re directing him to come in and make love to you."
Check out the full interview in Vanity Fair.