Headwraps or turbans are welcome style statements especially during the Ramadan period where everything is done tasteful/in moderation, fashion inclusive.
Turban or any form of headwrap can instantly make or mar the whole look of any outfit so it's important to make sure whatever headwrap or turban you choose matches the whole appearance you are going for.
The style you finally decide to go with depends on the kind of personality you possess for instance a 'Badu Head Wrap' (named after Erykah Badu) is fierce though slightly understated and simple can draw attention and there are numerous designs to choose from in prints, velvet and there are pre-designed that requires gentle pull or nip to be perfected.
For the sake of this tutorial, the 'Badu head wrap'/turban is broken down, note that when tying the 'Badu Wrap', it's important to properly layer the ones underneath (spoiler alert!)
Watch the guide above for how to nail your headwrap perfect.