The latest to have made news headlines as a result of matrimonial relationship with a lifeless object is an Australian woman who has tied the knot with a bridge she claimed to have fallen in love with.
Jodi Rose is reported to have described the bridge she has been married to since 2013 as a handsome, strong and sturdy husband who understands her and her feelings.
It is further reported that Jodi discovered the ‘handsome’ bridge during a tour around France, and not long after that, she decided to get married to it.
At a ceremony attended by 14 people, the mayor of a town neighbouring the bridge reportedly blessed the marriage, making it a legitimate union.
“I was really quite nervous. I felt like a bride. I got to have my princess wedding day,” Jodi is quoted as having told Sunday Night.
Wondering how she benefits from her weird relationship with the bridge? Jodi said: “He makes me feel connected to the earth and draws me to rest from my endless nomadic wanderings. He is fixed, stable, rooted to the ground, while I am nomadic, transient, ever on the road.”
One can only wish her good luck.