A Kenyan Catholic Priest, Father Paul Ogalo has been suspended for one year by the hierarchy of the St Monicas Catholic Church in Rapogi in Migori County for using rap music to preach the word of God to parishioners.
Reports say Father Paul Ogola popularly referred to as Father Masaa or Swit Paul who used to lead mass at the church before his suspension says he adopted the rap method to preach in order to lure more youth to the church and subsequently draw them close to God.
However, the church’s leadership thought his mode of preaching was circular and breached the code of conduct of the Roman Catholic Church.
Further reports say right after mass, the 45-year-old priest changes his dressing from a priestly gown to a pair of black shorts and a white shirt with a red bandana tied around his head and then begins to treat the parishioners to a rap show, in which he reportedly asks them to avoid engaging in social vices.
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He is quoted as having said in an interview: “I use the rap music to bring … youths to the church. Thereafter, I bring them to Christ.
“I felt I was responsible for the moral decay and the hate for the church amongst the youth as a young priest. Over 80% of youth were not attending church and wasting away. I embraced art in my preaching because it was a powerful tool which appealed to the young generation.”
Apparently, the man of God is a rap musician. He revealed: “I am about to launch the album which is filled with songs advocating for unity and empowering young people against drugs and delinquency which exposes them to HIV infection.”
However, the Judicial Vicar of the tribunal which decided the fate of Father Paul Ogola insists his conduct is an affront to the ethics of the church.
Charles Kochiel said: “There is a code of conduct for the church which should be observed religiously. There is a way the church does things and the way society does things. If we lose focus and mix the two we will miss the point.
“It was agreed that the way he was conducting himself before congregations was unbiblical and undoing to the status of the church. We could not accept non-doctrinal actions just because they made him popular and approved by many people.
“There was a lot of contradiction. Masses were full and sessions lively, but did the actions promote spiritual values or were just toning down Christian values and sending the wrong message?” he quizzed.
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Meanwhile, some of the church members who are in love with the suspended priest’s way of preaching have expressed displeasure, with some threatening to quit the church.
One Benard Oketch 28 is quoted as saying: “Father Ogola was our mentor who taught us a lot about investments, agriculture and living an upright life while using our talents to influence the world. He uses the language youths understand and I don’t feel why I should attend church when he is suspended.”