Olajide Ajayi, a 20-year-old student of a college of education in Oyo State, has been arrested by the state Police Command for attempting to murder his niece, Opeyemi Ajala, by cutting her throat after deceiving her and stealing her school fees, reports the police in the state.
The suspect, according to the police, was said to have collected his Ajala's Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card with the intention of withdrawing the sum of N47,000 to help her pay her fees but instead of doing as he was told, he used the money to but clothes and his girlfriend.
When the niece, who is also a student of the institution, asked him for the teller with which he paid in the money, he hatched a plan to kill her when he could no longer bear the pressure from her, so as to cover his track.
On the fateful night of the incident, Ajayi went to his victim’s house with a knife and sneaked into her room where she was sleeping and after overpowering her, he slit her throat with the knife and left her for death. But unfortunately for him, the lady did not die and she managed to alert her neighbours who rushed her to the University College of Hospital, Ibadan, and reported the case to the police.
During interrogation, Ajayi confessed to his crime.
“I collected the money, but I spent it. When the pressure from her was too much, and there was no way I could get the money to pay her back, I decided to kill her. One night, I went to her house with a sharp knife to kill her.
I got to her house at about 8 pm; when I entered the room, I locked the door and pinned her head down on the bed. I did not allow her to shout. Then, I brought out the knife and slit her throat. When blood started gushing out and she was unconscious, I thought she was dead and I escaped.”
The state Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Katsina, said Ajala who survived the attack miraculously, managed to call her neighbours on the phone and they rushed her to the hospital.