Realer hit maker, Pappy Kojo has revealed his publicist advised him to unfollow almost everyone on Twitter. Pappy Kojo added, according to his publicist following everyone back on Twitter was not safe for him as a new artiste in the music industry.
Winner of the Vodafone hip hop song of the year, Pappy Kojo, opened up about his emotions. He said, “I’m a very emotional and often got hurt at some of the bad mouths and hate messages that I constantly received from some of the people on Twitter”.The Aye late singer, disclosed his publicist told him to follow few accounts that were essential to his career. ''I was advised the more I follow a lot of people, the more I will miss important tweets tweets from other inspirational people hence the reason for my action” , he said.Pappy Kojo added, he has received critics from his fans to follow them back. The hip pop rapper has collaborations with Sarkodie, Joey B and other Ghanaian musicians.