The track, titled “My Father” by Keche featuring King Paluta, was released in June 2024 and has garnered around 42,000 views on YouTube.
In a passionate video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on August 23, 2024, Joshua accused King Paluta of disrespecting him by not promoting the song, despite actively promoting tracks with other artists such as Sista Afia, Eno Barony, Tulenkey, and Wendy Shay.
Joshua expressed his frustration over the situation, saying, “We did a song with you, and you never posted it. I reached out to your team, and they said they don’t use his official account to post things. They use the King Paluta Army page rather.”
He further explained that even after multiple reminders, King Paluta only reluctantly made a promotional video, which he neither shared nor retweeted.
Keche Joshua voiced his disappointment over what he perceived as disrespect towards Keche, a well-established music duo. He criticised the unprofessional attitude of artists who, despite having only one or two hits, show a lack of respect.
“You got an artiste like Keche, and you disrespect us? You made it seem like we were disturbing you, so you just did something for us,” he stated.
Joshua concluded his remarks by urging the industry not to blame external factors for the lack of unity among artists. He pointed out that disrespectful attitudes from some artists are a significant issue that needs to be addressed.
Hear more from him in the video below.