The Communications Director of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Ibrahim Sannie Daara, has taken a swipe at Transparency International of scoring the GFA zero on all four main pillars of transparency and accountability on the management of the nation’s football governing body.
Transparency International measured 209 football associations on the four pillars of financial accounts,existence of code of conduct,annual activity reports and the existence of organizational charters and statutes.
Read more: GFA scores ZERO in Transparency International report
Highlights of the report include the damning statistic that 81% of FA’s have no financial records publicly available, 21%of FA’ have no websites and 85% of FA’s publish no activity accounts of what they do.
It further expressed it’s disappointment with the response of member associations who were contacted on the findings with only 14 associations responding with an explanation of the circumstances.
The report also highlights the gross disregard for accountability that has tainted FIFA and its constituents,leading to the arrests, indictments and suspensions of several leading members including president Sepp Blatter and UEFA boss Michel Platini.
But Sannie Daara in an interview with Starr FM said "The research work done by Transparency International is erroneous. The GFA has financial reports that were presented to members of Congress recently. We have a code of conduct and even an organisation charter."
"Transparency International did not contact the Ghana FA for documentary evidence so I am disappointed in their research because it lacks accuracy," he added.