Ghana Post has revealed that the country will pay $400,000 every year to tech giant Google for embedding the company’s online map in the Digital Addressing System that was recently launched by President Akufo-Addo.
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According to him, the items being paid for the product include the back-end solution, data analytics, hardware i.e. the firewalls and servers, Google license, marketing and publicity as well as technical support, and GHc1.7 million VAT.
He said: “In terms of the cost, what is being paid for is the back-end solution, data analytics, hardware i.e. the firewalls and servers, Google license, marketing and publicity as well as technical support, and GHc1.7 million VAT which goes back to the government.
“Contrary to popular believe, Google charges when you use their systems for local purposes or commercial activities. The Google license fee at the moment is $400,000 per year – that is the enterprise package.”
Mr Kwofie also revealed that GHC3.5 million has been spent on publicity.
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“Publicity like I said, is GHc3.5 million, and there are very expensive firewalls, we can’t say how many, but that also cost a lot of money,” he said.