A earlier publication by Ameyaw Debrah had sent the suggestion that the TV personality, who is a co-host on TV3's morning show, "", was taken off-air after complaints against her from colleagues and guests on the show alike. The story had also continued to suggest that Bridget Otoo was having a strained relationship with her co-host on the show, Moon Sangmoor.
The former presenter of "" on TV3 has however come out to issue a statement to the effect, calling the claims in the publications a "malicious and deliberate attempt to hurt her person and professional image".
[READ ► Deborah Vanessa slams Bridget Otoo over nude photos]
According to Bridget, she is however on a 'leave' from work which she had requested from her employers.
She also continued to state that no disciplinary action has been taken against here by TV3 and that there was no bad blood between her and Moon Sangmoor as the publications had indicated.
She called for an apology from Ameyaw Debrah and said her lawyers were taking the "necessary actions to cure any mischief against her".
It would however seem that some people on social media actually had issues with her behaviour on-screen (and even sometimes off-screen) as some comments on social media about her are calling for her outright removal from TV3.