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Biology teacher takes her clothes off to get her students interested in science

A biology teacher has come up with a unique way to keep her classes interested while she teaches them about science.

A biology teacher has come up with a unique way to keep her classes interested while she teaches them about science.

Debby Heerkens, a biology teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude school, in the small town of Hazerswoude Dorp Netherlands, wanted to try a creative approach to teach a lesson about the human body.

She stood up on her desk and stripped off her clothes to reveal a full suit of spandex illustrated with accurate muscles and organs. Below that, another set of spandex illustrated where all the bones in her body are.

“At first they were a little bit in shock because they thought ‘the teacher is taking off her clothes,’ until they saw what is underneath,” Heerkens told CNN.

The point was to help students visualize the human body, highlight the essential organs and show how they function.

After teaching for seven years, Heerkens feels a creative approach is sometimes necessary to get kids engaged in some of the more dense science lessons.

Debby originally discovered the educational body suits while browsing online, and immediately checked with her school's director about whether she would be able to use them in her classes.

She was given the go-ahead, and promptly introduced the suits into her classes, allowing her pupil's a more 'interactive' learning experience.

Debby told a Netherland's news site: "I saw someone walking in the muscle leggings last year.

"You're always looking for ways to trigger students and teach classes so that they remember [the lessons].

"I told the director that I had bought the suits, and he liked it too."

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And now pupil's in Debby's class are already asking when their next body suit lesson will be.

A spokesman for the school said: "With Mrs Heerkens there is always something special!"

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