Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is facing backlash for encouraging people to visit Myanmar, where social media may have helped fuel a mass genocide
Trump reportedly told the Pentagon to increase the defense budget to $750 billion after saying he would cut spending by 5%
Pretty much everyone defines a 'good job' the same way — but most people don't have the luxury of choosing one
Judging employees on results could reward luck over skill, argue top psychologists, and there's a better way to do it
IEX CEO Brad Katsuyama shares the 'critical' piece of advice he gives other entrepreneurs about getting through rough patches
'It just came out when the music was playing': 50 Cent says coming up with his most popular song was simple
An HR exec who's worked at Facebook and Amazon says no one should become a manager without taking a key step
Every time someone quits or is fired from tech company Basecamp, a detailed, company-wide 'goodbye announcement' email explains why
A former Googler and career coach tells clients with boring jobs that it's OK, and it can even be a good thing