Seun Adeyeye
Articles written by the author
Why you’re so intensely horny on your period
Rapist set free after offering his sister to be raped by victim's brother
This doctor is changing the way we see medicine
Here's what it takes to be as strong as captain America
This man just became the world's oldest person to get a face transplant
Want to get stronger? Stop ignoring these muscles in your workout
Your BMI affects how you sleep — and here's how
The truth behind 7 common sleep myths
Planned parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen: 5 questions you must ask before any medical test
Okay, what is your metabolism — And can you actually make it faster?
Here’s what to do if you break out after eating cheese
Susan Lucci works out 6 times a week — And she’s 71 years old
10 sex positions that are more fun than doggy style
Why doing your workouts in the cold may help burn more fat
Mark Wahlberg's insane workout schedule starts at 2:30. In the morning
7 sex positions for when you both just want a quickie
The 4 biggest announcements from Apple's iPhone event
Is it ok to wear shorts at the office?
What is 'the fast metabolism diet' — And can it help you lose weight?
The new trailer for season 15 of 'Grey's Anatomy' looks so freaking intense