Roger Cohen
Articles written by the author
A Perfume Called Fascism
Trump and Conscience in the Age of Demagogues
Brexit, Act 4, Scene 1
Boris Johnson Faces a Swift and Bloody Nemesis
Mussolini Resurfaces in Milan
Robert Mueller in the Age of the Unicorn
Israel's Lesson for Democrats in 2020
Biden, Honorable Patriot, Should Side With Restraint
Socialism and the 2020 American Election
Socialism and the 2020 American Election
The Official British Policy? Mayhem
Jeremy Corbyn's Anti-Semitic Labour Party
Britain in the Crazed Brexit Vortex
Munich or a Requiem for the West
Scenes From the Borderland
Trump Does His Divisive El Paso Number
The Harm in Hustle Culture
Why I Am a European Patriot
The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump
Hold a Second Brexit Referendum