The strike, which began today was announced by the National Secretary of TEWU, Mark Korankye.
Speaking to the media after the announcement, Mr. Korankye said “We think that the feet dragging and delays are becoming too much".
“Until government sits with us to review the conditions of service in total and to also attend to the needs that we have put across, we are going to lay down our tools,” Mr. Korankye said.
“We feel we are not being treated fairly, and we think that government must take us seriously,” he added.
The National Secretary underscored their importance to the learning process on all university campuses.
“The labourer on the ground is also ensuring that students and lecturers live in a clean environment and a healthy environment for teaching and learning to go on so if you think that it is the lecturers that matter, I am afraid you are making a mistake,” Mr. Korankye said.
The members of TEWU exempted from the strike are security personnel, hospital workers and payroll staff.