The Minority said the failure of government to do so within 7 days will lead to the hurling of the Minister of Education before Parliament.
In an exclusive interview with JoyNews, Ranking Member on Parliament’s Education Committee, Peter Nortsu-Kotoe, said, “government must constitute the governing councils of the universities as soon as possible, at least within the next seven days.”
“I am meeting the [Education Committee] chairman this morning to let the minister appear before the committee this week to tell us the steps the ministry is taking to ensure that the councils are reconstituted.”
Already, the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission says it has submitted all details about nominees for the councils to government.
The governing councils of the universities became defunct following the Presidential Transitions Act 2012, which states that all statutory boards and committees are dissolved before the coming into force of a new government.
Even though government provided a five-month extension to allow for the proper reconstitution of the councils, it failed to meet its May 31 deadline leaving the schools with no legitimate body to issue degrees, approve appointments and promotions, among others.