The barber known as Osei Michael popularly known as Emeka on Thursday, June 1, 2023, allegedly stabbed his 18-year-old girlfriend, Abigail Asare to death for cheating on him.
The incident occurred at the boyfriend's barbershop following a short argument that arose when Abigail Asare of General Arts 1 class reportedly visited him after the school asked the students to go on break.
The suspect is alleged to have stabbed her multiple times to death in the barbering saloon in the evening, accusing the deceased of cheating.
The lifeless body of the deceased was later found in a pool of blood in the barbering saloon, and the suspect has gone into hiding.
The body of the deceased has been transported to the morgue pending autopsy and investigation.
Reports stated that the friends of the barber were picked up by the police on Sunday, June 4, 2023, to assist them with investigations to enable them to apprehend Emeka who has since been on the run after committing the dastardly act.
The Kyebi Divisional Police who have been on a manhunt for the suspect Emeka have vowed to bring the suspect to book.