Two teenagers, Felix Nyarko and Nicholas Kini had been arrested by the Kasoa Divisional Police Command for allegedly killing a 10-year-old boy supposedly for money rituals at Lamptey Mills.
Some eyewitnesses said the suspects allegedly lured the deceased, known as Ishmael Mensah by his peers, into an uncompleted building and smashed his head with a club and cement blocks killing him instantly.
They subsequently buried him in the building.
The NDC reacting to the ritual murder and the craze for the acquisition of quick wealth said such is morally unstable and illegal that must be condemned by all and sundry.
The party in a statement has drawn the attention of the government to the "plethora of crimes which resolution has dragged on interminably, thus, encouraging the perpetuation of the culture of impunity."
The NDC also encouraged the youth to look out for honest, hard-working, and accomplished persons as their role models.
"Wealth which has been improperly obtained should never be an attraction for the upcoming youth of this great nation," it said.
"In this regard, we call on the Akufo-Addo government to speed up investigations and crank the wheels of justice so that the country can rid itself of the odious reminder of this unfortunate event," the party added.