The outspoken MP accused the Blay family of attempting to illegally acquire land belonging to Labadi Beach Hotel, a state-owned property in Accra. The family has threatened legal action, indicating that Ablakwa will soon hear from their lawyers.
Spartan Ives Limited vehemently dismissed the allegations referring to it as "false and baseless." in a letter released on June 22.
The company expressed confidence that the truth will prevail, emphasizing that they will be exonerated from these unsubstantiated claims.
"Regrettably, these false and baseless allegations made by Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa on his social media accounts and carried by several media outlets are part of a broader attempt to tarnish our reputation as a business and distract from our continued success. We are confident that the truth will prevail and that our company will be exonerated from these baseless claims."
Spartan Ives Limited clarified that it has not assumed control of the beachfront land owned by Labadi Beach Hotel, contrary to the allegations.
The company appealed to its stakeholders and the general public not to be misled by "unfounded accusations," expressing confidence in the legal process. "We urge the public and our stakeholders not to be swayed by these unfounded accusations and to trust in the legal process. Spartan Ives Limited remains committed to delivering exceptional services and upholding our values of honesty, respect, and accountability," the company stated.