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7 tips to get a fit body from a quick workout

Workout is about getting up
Workout is about getting up

Contrary to popular opinion, you can actually obtain a

It will not be easy, as you  have to pick up the intensity and while these shorter, more active sessions are more difficult, they will save you time and get you bigger results, quicker. Try out some of these tips:

Find you workout moment:

And stick to it. For the sake of intensity, find the time of the day when you are at your peak. Thus, if you’d rather go before the office, then plan toward early-morning workouts. On the other hand, if you are more of a de-stresser, then set aside time to squeeze in an evening session. Observe what’s best for you.

Go all out:

They are often referred to as compound exercises, as these moves exercise multiple muscle groups at once. If you don’t know what to do,  repeat moves you continuously do in daily activities like push-ups, squats or dead lifts, to build strength all over.

Lesser rest times:

Plan out your workouts to reduce rest time by engaging in two or three exercises back to back. An example is 12 reps of bench presses, followed immediately by 12 reps of squats and then 12 reps of chin-ups for those who want to try a tri-set. This way, you’ll be exercising one set of muscles while the other set chills out, meanwhile keeping your heart rate up.

Try to spend rest wisely:

Traditional workouts switch periods of intensity after which you have down time, which can make sessions long and inefficient. So if supersets are too stressful, exchange your standard rest periods with active recovery exercises, such as hip stretches, so your body can replenish while still getting other benefits.

Get up:

It’s not healthy to spend eight-plus hours in front of a computer and then go to the gym and sit more and even worse, lie down. Plan to do standing exercises using free weights, suspension straps or any other modality that makes you to use your core to balance. This will force you to engage more muscle groups at once, which makes you stronger.

Compile a fun playlist:

Get your playlist to be exactly the amount of time you spend at the gym. It will give you that kick you need throughout your workout period. You can also go ahead to pre-plan your mix so that you know when to start and stop each set. This way you can dedicate more time to your moves and not just the clock.

Get some help:

Finally, consult a fitness trainer to help schedule a plan toward achieving your fitness goal. This will result in more focused time at the gym and ultimately better results. Even if you just pay for one session with the trainer, that schedule should last you for weeks.

Try these simple tips and let us know what fitness results you encounter.

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