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7 things that trigger the discomfort


Headaches cause discomfort and are usually indicators to an underlying problem (could be serious or un serious).

The come as an uncomfortable nudge usually to indicate taking a break or as symptoms of health issues but however they come, persistent headaches should never be ignored.

It's important to know what type of headache you have, the points of discomfort at the point and more to decide on the kind of treatment for it.

Unknown to many people, a lot of things you do in the course of the day, what you expose yourself too and more seemingly unimportant factors trigger headaches, these ones below are just few from the lot, check on it below:

1. Weather

Weather changes come with the chance of a headache, it could be the heat or extreme cold.

Sunny, hot days and high humidity are common changes that cause headaches (the changes in barometric pressure usually lead to headaches) A way to tackle this is to stay hydrated and wear sunglasses on bright/sunny days.

2. Overbearing/Strong Scents

Strong/overbearing fragrance can set off headaches! Usually the nervous system gets stirred up by scents making powerful scents a possible cause. Most common scents that cause headaches are from certain flowers, paints and strong perfumes.

3. Hair Accessories

Ladies, the hair accessories you use are sometimes the cause of the discomfort as pulling and tugging at the hair takes it toll on the scalp. A tight ponytail for instance may strain the tissue in your scalp causing discomfort. Tight braids, tight headbands, hats etc are also ways to set off a headache.

4. Exercise

Some strenuous exercises like excessive jogging, hiking and even sex can trigger headache. It's best to talk to a doctor before you take up any exercise routine

5. Poor Posture

Slouching, sitting incorrectly and more are reported to cause headache.

6. Skipping Meals

Hunger can set off headaches (infact in some people it's the way they get reminded to eat) because there is always a likely dip in blood sugar -which should be tackled by actually eating anything except for sweets/candy that could cause the blood sugar to shoot up and then drop even lower- next time you have hunger headaches, just eat.

7. Smoking

Smokers are liable to constant headaches, even second hand smoke can make anyone around (the smoker) open to nagging headaches as well.

Caffeine and other factors also cause headaches. If you have a history of headaches that wont desist after avoiding the above, consult a physician.

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