In recent times, there has been a noticeable surge in the number of students adorning themselves with tattoos, body piercings, and resorting to skin bleaching. This growing phenomenon has raised red flags within the educational sector, with authorities expressing apprehension about its potential impact on the well-being and discipline of students.
During visits to various districts in the Central Region as part of its 'Life Skills Program' aimed at empowering students, officials from the GES uncovered startling revelations. Priscilla Christabel Eshun, the Central Regional Girls Education Officer of the GES, expressed astonishment at the sight of some young students displaying conspicuous tattoos with unusual names and meanings.
These findings were presented at the Second Quarter Sub-Implementing Partners (IPs) Review Meeting on sexual and gender-based violence, facilitated by the Regional Coordinating Council with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Ms. Eshun highlighted distressing instances where students, particularly young girls, were observed engaging in skin bleaching to an extent where their skin was visibly peeling off, emitting an unpleasant odor.
Additionally, many students were found with multiple piercings in their ears, indicating a prevalent fashion trend among the youth.
Moreover, it was revealed that a significant number of boys had dropped out of school and resorted to operating tricycles as a source of income, with many young girls forming associations with these boys for financial assistance.
In response to these concerning developments, Eshun reiterated the GES's stance against tattooing, multiple piercings, and skin bleaching, as outlined in its harmonized Code of Conduct for students in pre-tertiary schools. The Code emphasizes the importance of dressing neatly, adhering to prescribed dress codes, and avoiding accessories such as chains, bangles, caps, and bracelets.
Furthermore, guidelines regarding personal grooming were emphasized, stressing the importance of maintaining decent haircuts and avoiding extreme styles and colors.
Male students were advised to maintain neatly styled haircuts and clean-shaven beards in line with school regulations.
The GES remains committed to upholding discipline and promoting a conducive learning environment conducive to academic excellence and personal development among students. It calls upon all stakeholders, including parents and guardians, to collaborate in addressing these emerging challenges and ensuring the holistic well-being of students.