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Kokomlemle Circuit Methodist Youth Fellowship marks maiden biennial Conference

Very Rev Mrs Doris Saah
Very Rev Mrs Doris Saah

The biennial conference - which the circuit usually uses to reflect on what has transpired in the circuit, make resolutions for the subsequent years and also elect new officers, if the need be - brought together several members of the Methodist Church.

These included members of the Kokomlemle Circuit Methodist Youth Fellowship (the host circuit), Accra diocesan officers of the MYF, MYF officers from other sister circuits, officers from other fellowships in the circuit, Reverend Ministers, stewards, amongst others.

The chairman of the Kokomlemle Circuit of the MYF, Bro. Stephen Ansong, in his open address introduced Bro. Frank Quansah, the Circuit Youth Organiser as the chairman for the august occasion.

Bro. Ansong, speaking on the theme for conference 2019 “Intensifying Our Teaching Ministry for Disciple Making: The Young Person In Focus”, charged members to take the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously and walk according to His ways.

“As the backbone of the church, we are to adhere to the teachings of Our Lord and Master, the Great Teacher of all time and live according to His word.

“We cannot be living deceitful lives while portraying ‘lip-service’ to our Maker. We are to light our torches to help those who cannot find their way to see the road that leads to Jesus,” he said.

The Superintendent Minister of the Kokomlemle Methodist Circuit, Very Rev. Mrs Doris Saah, admonished the members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship that it is a mandate for every Christian to partake in evangelism, which is the Great Commission.

She said the theme for the occasion is timely as the Methodist Church seeks to embark on a radical soul winning business.

“Intensifying our teaching ministry towards disciple making: the young person in focus” is timely since the clarion call to revive the early Methodist ‘radical’ heritage of evangelism with the core activity of winning souls for the Lord is non-negotiable, Very Rev. Mrs Saah said.

“We witness as members of the Youth Fellowship. This should not remain an empty jargon in our meetings and programmes. It is a mandate not just as Methodist but as Christians,” she added.

The guest speaker for the conference who happens to be the Diocesan Youth Organiser (DYO) Rev. Edward Niikwei Okine encouraged the youth of the Methodist Church to get involved in politics to be generational changers of their time.

He emphasized on a mantra ‘I choose to change’ to edge the MYF to be instruments of change in the society.

He also touched on the theme, saying discipleship is the live blood of every Christian, hence it should be prioritised in the Christendom, and further urged the youth to be daring disciples.

“The challenge with our church in recent times has been to raise disciples onto Jesus, The Christ; because discipleship is the heartbeat of Christ and His Church.

“Our Churches are filed with new and old converts unwilling to become disciples (Christians),” he said.

The DYO outlined seven qualities that every disciple should possess. They

are as follows:

1.     Come to Jesus willingly

2.     Must deny him/herself

3.     Take up your Cross daily

4.     Follow Christ daily to the end

5.     Lose life, not gain it

6.      Live free from love of the world

7.     Live unashamed of Christ and His words

Rev. Bright Obeng Boampong, a Minister of the Kokomlemle Circuit, had the last words and he reemphasized the message of the DYO by indicating that ‘I choose to change’.

He also stressed on the need to take discipleship seriously as young people.

The Conference will be climaxed with a Divine and Thanksgiving Service on Sunday at the Bethel Methodist Church, Kokomlemle.

 The next conference will be held in 2021.

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