The most important role a father has to play on the his daughter’s wedding day is walking her down the aisle, but
Though Stepien was murdered 10 years ago his heart was given to Aurthur Thomas.
After a decade of Stepien’s death, his daughter yearned to be given away by her father so she contacted Thomas who has her father’s heart to walk her down the aisle.
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Jeni sent a letter to Thomas requesting him to be part of the wedding.
In an interview with CNN, Thomas stated that it was an honour to walk Jeni down the aisle.
Jeni said she felt close to her dad again while walking down the aisle.
"Just hugging him made me feel like I was close to my dad again which on this day was perfect. It was what I needed," said Michelle Stepien, sister of the bride.
"The whole family is here now, it’s like everybody is here." Jeni said
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